Actividades únicas en Vizcaya

Actividades únicas en Vizcaya

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Todas las actividades cerca de Vizcaya

Tour de pintxos por Bilbao con los locales
Me enamoré de esta ciudad a través de sus bares y su gente, vamos a andar por Bilbao de bar en bar descubriendo en cada sitio los pintxos locales que más gustan y las bebidas más típicas de la zona. Voy a adaptar la ruta dependiendo si prefieren andar un poco más y ver más Bilbao o probar más pintxos en unos pocos bares. En esta ruta nos vamos a saltar los sitios más típicos de turistas para ver los bares que más creo yo son iconos de Bilbao y frecuentados entre los locales. Otros aspectos destacables Una vez termine la experiencia no tendrán que preocuparse de cenar, se come lo suficiente como para una cena. Si tienen alguna restricción de comida o alguna dieta especial háganlo saber por anticipado por favor.
⭐La mejor ruta de vinos y pintxos de Bilbao
-We will do as the Basques do! A bar hopping tour of Bilbao. We (the Basque people!) demonstrate our love of gastronomy with these tasty little bar snacks. We will visit 5 BARS WITH 8 PINTXOS AND 5 DRINKS INCLUDED. - We will try the special pintxos, the ones you don't see on the bars! I will order them for you and the chef will make them instantly for you. This is one of the many insider tips I will show you on my tour of Bilbao. -We are going to sample the traditional pintxos and also others that have been given AWARDS in the famous pintxo competitions! You will experience all Bilbao has to offer on this tour with stops at very modern bars, and also stops at some of the oldest bars in the city! -I will teach you how to order pintxos as it can be quite overwhelming to a first time visitor. After my tour you will have the confidence to go in any bar in the city! -I pair the pintxos with a wine most suitable to type of food we are experiencing. We will sample red and white wine, cider, and other drinks on this tour. -I know the best bars in my city and what to order as I was born and raised in Bilbao! There are many mentioned online, but you are sure to experience some of the best lesser known local establishments on a Basque pintxo tour with me! Other things to note: Please come hungry! This will be a FULL MEAL!!!
Paseo por la costa en San Juan de Gaztelugatxe
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe es probablemente uno de los lugares más bellos de la costa vasca. Desde que se rodó Juego de Tronos, se ha convertido en una visita obligada. ¿Te apuntas a un agradable paseo por la costa vasca para descubrir este lugar mágico? Esta área está llena de hermosos paisajes, excelente gastronomía e una historia apasionante. Este lugar popular es mucho más que un plató de cine, me gustaría mostraros el gran valor ecológico del lugar y contribuir en su conservación. Descubre uno de los lugares mas populares del País Vasco una manera diferente!
⭐Ruta exclusiva por Bilbao para amantes de la gastronomía
Hola, If you are a foodie and want to discover why Bilbao has become the gastronomical reference of Northern Spain you must join us. We have the highest quality food & drinks route you could possibly imagine, all combined with a lovely walk around Bilbao giving you an overview of the history and most beautiful points of interest in town. All our team are passionate about our wines and local gastronomy so you are in good hands! In this food tour you will taste the best selection of pintxos (8 Basque tapas) all paired with a local variety of local drinks. You´ll be introduced to the most traditional and as well to the hot-modern pintxos (many of them with awards) and we will cover the three most important areas of Bilbao: El Ensanche, Ledesma and the Old Town so you have a 360 overview of the food scene for when you are on your own. With us you will learn a lot of interesting stories about Basque Country and we will show you the "essential local rules" to order the best food when you are on your own. You will experience it like Basque people hopping from bar to bar pairing local food with drinks. Other things to note: Do this tour on your first day for recommendations about the area Please feel free to request new dates, times and private experiences not posted This tour is not suitable for vegans or vegetarians
Tour en San Juan de Gaztelugatxe y Urdaibai
The perfect combination of breathtaking sights, history and culture If there’s a region in the Basque Country that combines great nature and vibrant history, it would be the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai. We will visit some of the most beautiful places in the entire Basque Country, which are also key to understanding the history and culture of this land. A visit to Urdaibai, an area where I have grown up, visiting world-known places such as San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, Gernika or Bermeo. Our trip will first take us to the area of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, famous for being the setting for Dragonstone in the famous series “Game of Thrones”. Currently, due to a landslide it is not possible to visit the chapel, so we will access several viewpoints to contemplate the beauty of the place. We will continue to Bermeo, to visit what was the capital of the province until 1602 and discover a central element of Basque history: the sea. The visit ends in Gernika, a key town for understanding Basque culture, where we will discover the tragic story of its bombing, which inspired Picasso to paint his famous painting “Guernica”. I would love for you to accompany me to discover my favorite area in the entire Basque Country. I have grown up playing, swimming and fishing in this beautiful corner of our geography and today is the day I want to share it with you, do you dare?
Clase práctica de cocina vasca en Bilbao con barra libre
Learn how to prepare the most traditional dishes of Basque country in this 100% hands-on cooking class. You will be preparing between 4-5 plates (2-3 starters, 1 main and dessert). The whole meal will be eaten after the class so you don´t need to think of food afterwards. As you are cooking we will explain you the story behind each dish, ingredient and special tricks to recreate it at home. There is no real cooking without wine, so an open bar will be at your disposal with refreshing Txakoli and Rioja wine. The menu will be as follows and could vary depending on what´s available in the market (let us know of any food intolerances in advance please): You will learn how to cook the famous Basque stew Marmitako made with Bonito (the tuna of Northern Spain), chorizo cooked in cider, the traditional T-bone steak, the sweet red peppers (Etxebarri style), a refreshing green salad and the fabulous Basque toast for dessert. As appetisers we will serve some cheeses, charcuteries and the special gilda designed by you. Please be aware that on Sundays we run our special Paella cooking class (the traditional meal to have on Sundays where you will prepare garlic prawns, paddron peppers, a fish and a meat paella and a dessert) Please be aware that since Covid we moved the location of our school to downtown Bilbao so we didn´t have to depend on any type of transport!
De pintxos por las calles de Bilbao
Visite culturelle et gastronomique : *Plongez dans la charmante et merveilleuse ville ancienne et dégustez les meilleurs pintxos de la ville sélectionnés par des experts culinaires. *Visitez trois des meilleurs bars à pintxos lors d'une visite gastronomique en soirée, comme en matinée en compagnie d'une guide locale , Une spécialité du Pays Basque, les pintxos sont des tapas en forme miniature, composés de petites bouchées qui sont belles à regarder et encore meilleures à déguster ! *Dégustez des spécialités local et essayez des boissons alcoolisées basques telles que le vin txakoli tout en découvrant l'histoire de la cuisine du Pays Basque. *je vais vous faire découvrir la ville à partir du point de vue de ceux qui la vivent quotidiennement, afin de vous initier aux curieux mélanges entre art et histoire, source de traditions, perles rares et légendes. la tournée des pintxos à Bilbao est une manière de connaître notre culture, un spectacle qui fusionne rires, conversation, mouvement, animation et divertissement ;) Autres remarques Je m adapte a vous besoin & demande ;) I can adapt to your needs and requests ;)
Descubre Bilbao de un vistazo
Dies ist ein Erlebnis, um die Geschichte, Architektur und Kultur von Bilbao zu entdecken. Ein schöner Spaziergang, der alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt besuchen, besonderes Augenmerk auf die Kultur und Lebensweise setzen. Interesse an der baskischen Kultur? Kommen Sie mit und ich würde sehr gehrne Ihnen dieses wunderschöne Land zeigen. Wir werden alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten in Bilbao besuchen: das Guggenheim-Museum (aussen, wenn Sie an einem internen Besuch des Museums interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte), das Finanzzentrum der Stadt und natürlich die Altstadt. Sie werden nicht all die geheimen Ecken und unbekannten Geschichten verpassen, die selbst viele Einheimische nicht kennen.
Pintxos Class
- An Interactive Culinary Experience- In this workshop I want you to travel with me from the traditional Basque dishes to the modernist techniques of molecular cuisine. We will learn how to make 4 traditional pintxos, upgrading them to get surprising outcomes. We will explore with the preparation of these 4 pintxos: - Modernist Gilda. - Slow cooked Cod with pil pil sauce. - Smoked steak tar-tar toast. - Gatzatua with honey and dried fruits. - A Perfect Atmosphere to Meet New Friends- You are welcome to taste the local wine and cheese as you and other participants attend the workshop. Enjoy the inviting atmosphere and meet new friends.
Cata de vinos cerca del museo Guggenheim
Join an unforgettable wine experience in the heart of Bilbao. Discover a representative wine of 5 different Spanish wine regions each carefully selected to showcase the variety and style of wines available in Spain. You'll learn everything about the story of Spanish wine since the romans and how important are the different type of soils and climate for the identity of each varietal as well as interesting facts, and how wine plays an important role in Spanish culture. Each wine will be paired with dried meats and/or cheeses! The tastings are hosted in our warm and inviting tasting room in downtown Bilbao, the perfect plan if you want a little bit of wine education or a break to meet more wine lovers! Please note: If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please let us know in advance so we can accommodate your needs.
Tour urbano y Street art de Bilbao
El arte, la cultura y una cerveza artesanal se combinan para echar un vistazo al lado creativo de Bilbao, el barrio de Bilbao La Vieja. Sumérjase en este vecindario multicultural y vea de primera mano los diversos movimientos culturales que ocurren allí como resultado de iniciativas municipales o liderados por los propios locales. En primer lugar, sorpréndase visitando la antigua iglesia que ahora es un lugar para conciertos y exposiciones y explore Marzana Dock entrando en el corazón del vecindario para observar el gran cambio que ha tenido lugar aquí. El área una vez monótona ahora alberga muchas obras de artistas locales e internacionales, que se pueden ver en los lados de los edificios, en los puentes y en muchos otros espacios que su guía le indicará mientras camina. He estado viviendo en este vecindario durante los últimos 30 años y he sido parte de esta transformación. Finalmente visitaremos la plaza Sagrado Corazón de María, el epicentro de la vida comercial en el área, y la ubicación de muchos festivales multiculturales. Aquí también es donde nos detendremos para tomar una de las mejores cervezas artesanales locales de la ciudad en un centro cultural local dedicado a los movimientos sociales que suceden en el área llamada Sarean, a la que también pertenezco. El recorrido termina después de nuestra cerveza, pero no olvides preguntarme qué más ver y hacer en Bilbao. Otros aspectos destacables Este es un recorrido a pie que incluye algunas colinas. No es recomendable para personas con problemas para caminar.
Bilbao pintxos & cuadrilla
Nuestra experiencia para descubrir el pintxo pote pasará por los más clásicos y mejores bares de Bilbao. Queremos que entiendas la importancia de la comida, cómo socializamos y los pequeños trucos para hacerlo como un local. Nos sumergiremos en el Casco Viejo, los bares clásicos y sus secretos. Ahí los "txikiteros", bebedores de vino autóctonos, cantaban y cantan canciones mientras beben. Si tenemos suerte tenemos la opción de compartir con ellos un vino y un aperitivo clásico hablando sobre las tradiciones y símbolos del País Vasco. A continuación, nos dirigiremos a la icónica Plaza Nueva, para degustar pintxos y aprender sobre el vino vasco local: el txakoli. No podemos perdernos el Mercado de la Ribera, el mercado de alimentación cubierto más grande de Europa y donde tanto los jefes de estrellas Michelin como los ciudadanos de a pie se abastecen de la mejor comida que ofrece la ciudad. También tendremos la oportunidad de adentrarnos en el Ensanche, el centro económico de la ciudad. Visitaremos otro bar histórico para de degustar vinos de Rioja, así como pintxos que mezclan la cocina más vanguardista con los sabores más tradicionales de los productos locales. Al final del recorrido, no solo estarás lleno con sabrosos pintxos y bebidas, también aprenderás sobre nuestra cultura y tradiciones locales. Y lo más importante, te sentirás como un auténtico bilbaíno.
Inmersión local en Bilbao con pinchos y bebidas
This is your local connection to Bilbao. Cannot wait to show you around! We will be walking through Bilbao's Old Town discovering its history, anecdotes and present times. Combining it with stops for PINTXOS and DRINKS on our favourite spots. (5 pintxos & 3 drinks Incl in price) Join me for some local culture experiences later on! There's always many plans! My times are flexible, so don't hesitate to contact me to arrange a time and date. Looking forward!
Ruta enológica y arquitectónica en La Rioja
If you are visiting Bilbao is very likely that you love wine, gastronomy and architecture. In this Bilbao day tour experience you will visit the famous Rioja wine region, two of the most beautiful wineries of Rioja and the medieval village of Laguardia (nothing to do with the airport in NY no worries ;) This tour leaves Bilbao early in the morning. The drive (1.5 hours) is beautiful as it crosses the green national park of Gorbeia and the impressive range of mountains of Sierra Cantabria Our first stop will be the Marques de Riscal winery designed by Franck Gehry and then we will head to the Ysios winery designed by Santiago Calatrava. Two fascinating buildings with SUPERB wines and avant-garde architecture. You will at least do the whole winery tour in one of them. You will taste at least 6 wines and learn everything about the Rioja wine making process, our classification control board, our grapes and our terroir! On top of that we will visit the magical medieval village of Laguardia, a lovely walled village with cobbled streets and stunning gothic churches. This town is devoted to wine and it has some of the most amazing views 360º over the Rioja vineyards and the range of mountains of Sierra Cantabria! For lunch you will enjoy some Riojano tapas with some local wine (it´s included in the price). We will drive back after lunch arriving to Bilbao at around 5pm!
Two Family Rioja Wineries with Picnic in the Vineyards
Get ready to visit the most beautiful and with higher reputation wine region of Spain, La Rioja. This tour leaves Bilbao early in the morning. The drive (1.5 hours) is beautiful as it crosses the green national park of Gorbeia and the impressive range of mountains of Sierra Cantabria! Whether you have visited many wineries or none at all this is the tour to learn everything about the Rioja wine region. You will visit 2 different boutique wineries tasting only their finest wines and in of them you will enjoy a wonderful light picnic-style lunch with stunning views. In case the weather doesn't allow it, we will have a sheltered alternative. Be certain that at the end of the tour you would have tried all type of Rioja styles rated 90+ Parker points. We will see underground cellars with hundreds of years of history, wineries with shocking architecture, a dolmen with 5,000 years of history and Laguardia a medieval village awarded as one of the most beautiful villages in Spain and it truly is! Apart from the wine tastings, we will head to the best spots to take some pictures of stunning winery architecture such as Ysios designed by Santiago Calatrava or Marques de Riscal by Franck Gehry. The tour finishes in Bilbao (same place as where it started). So this is really a day to share a glass of wine with passionate wine drinkers and to admire the beauty of the Rioja region.
  1. Airbnb
  2. España
  3. País Vasco
  4. Vizcaya