Actividades únicas en San Juan

Actividades únicas en San Juan

Reservá actividades inolvidables en Airbnb organizadas por personas del lugar.

Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

La cascada El Yunque, columpio, tobogán de agua y transporte
¡Únete a una aventura para visitar uno de los lugares más mágicos de las islas, la selva tropical El Yunque! Una vez que llegues, disfruta de una caminata de 20 a 30 minutos hasta el primer agua mineral, el abrevadero. Allí podrás disfrutar del paisaje, nadar en el agua y columpio de cuerda. Más arriba, después de una caminata de 15 minutos, hay otro abrevadero con tobogán en el río. Vive una aventura llena de naturaleza en un lugar único del mundo. Contempla el bambú, los árboles de guayaba, árboles de más de 100 años de antigüedad con variaciones de flora y toboganes ocultos. Esta experiencia se centra en proporcionar una verdadera visión local de El Yunque, con hechos históricos e información sobre el ecosistema durante el viaje. Terminamos el viaje visitando una pequeña empresa local que sirve auténtica comida puertorriqueña estilo abuela a un precio muy bajo disponible para la compra (excepto los domingos visitamos un restaurante ). Doy apoyo a los restaurantes locales, por lo que este es un viaje sostenible que ayuda a la economía local. El transporte está incluido. ¡Disfruta de una verdadera aventura en Puerto Rico! Otros aspectos destacables Tienes que tener una buena condición física. El transporte de cortesía está incluido.
Snorkel con tortugas marinas
***Please be aware this experience is great for beginners and those with little experience swimming, but If you have a deep fear of water or the ocean it may impact your experience - we are dive instructors not psychologists*** We will begin our adventure with an ocean-side safety briefing while everyone is fitted for their equipment. Once we chat about how to responsibly and passively interact with turtles and other sea life, we will walk down to the beach and hit the water! We will take it nice and slow so you have a few moments to get accustomed to your gear and you feel confident enough to enjoy the underwater world. This is a natural sea grass bed, which is why we are blessed with turtles :) Please do remember, however, that this is a completely wild experience and we could never guarantee the sighting of a wild animal. 99 times out of 100 we see several baby and adult turtles per tour! At the end of the tour we will transfer your videos to you while we enjoy conversation with a nice view! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!
Surf de remo con manatíes
This experience, and its scenic views, are truly one of a kind. We will prepare you for your paddleboarding adventure by giving you a basics class and a brief overview of the Condado Lagoon. Then you'll paddle off, hopefully seeing manatees, sea turtles, or even sting rays—while enjoying a unique view of San Juan. Other things to note: We recommend that you don't take anything into the water that you don't want to lose (jewelry etc...) We have an indoor facility to leave your things. This experience is non-guided. **Maximum weight of: 220lb**
Ruta de bares de salsa con clase incluida
Aprende algunos pasos de baile latino y practica con los lugareños. Esta auténtica experiencia cultural es una clase de baile y recorrido de vida nocturna, todo en uno, perfecto para parejas, viajeros solitarios y grupos. Esta experiencia se realiza al aire libre, por lo que es una forma segura de socializar. Así que ven a sumergirte en nuestra cultura isleña del ritmo, el columpio y la sensualidad. Porque en Puerto Rico la salsa es más que un paso para bailar, ¡es una forma de vida! Nos encontraremos en un precioso lugar al aire libre donde seré tu camarero personal que sirve un cóctel de cortesía. Una vez que hayas creado un poco de «valor líquido», te enseñaré lo básico para el baile latino. Comenzaremos por el paso del Merengue, un estilo caribeño fácil que cualquiera puede dominar. Luego lo subimos y aprendemos "Salsa de Calle", que significa salsa callejera, el estilo que todos los lugareños bailan. Ahora que ya te has movido, ¡estás listo para ir a la pista de baile! ¡Así que iremos caminando a un lugar de moda cercano donde verás a una banda de salsa en directo y a los lugareños bailando en las calles! Puedes unirte o simplemente ver y disfrutar del espectáculo. ¡También hay muchos otros bares y clubes en la misma zona si quieres dar una vuelta! Otros aspectos a tener en cuenta: 1) Este evento se realiza al aire libre en una plaza pública. La zona de clases de baile está cubierta y protegida de la lluvia. 2) No necesitas ninguna experiencia de baile previa.
Old San Juan Best Kept Secrets Tour
- We will be exploring the 500 year old walled city of Old San Juan, discovering secret corners and little-known spots full of charm and steeped in history, that remain unnoticed to the casual visitor. We will walk through Old San Juan’s blue cobblestoned streets, accompanied by a knowledgeable local architect, learning about how the city was built in this rocky island jutting out to the sea, observing the urban layout, constructive methods and architectural details of the Spanish colonial buildings and defensive structures. In this 2 hour stroll you'll experience historical architecture with an insider, not just as a tourist, since we will be visiting private residences, convents and places with limited access. You'll have a chance to peer into underground cisterns, wonder at frescoed chapels, climb rooftops to explore hidden towers, and basque in secluded Spanish patios. Other things to note Tour leaves SHARP at departure time. Please allow extra time to find parking and meeting location. Participants need to check in 10 m before tour starting time. If you are interested in tour dates not in the calendar, please inquire about availability.

Sumergite en la vida de playa local

Avistamiento de tortugas y snorkel con propulsor (con bebidas)
We will show you how to care for and ride a Water propulsion device and explore the waters of San Juan and spot turtles and other aquatic life. Safety is a priority so we will begin with how to properly swim with the device in very shallow water then we will take off on our adventure. Other things to note BEGINNERS ARE WELCOME! Easy to use devices and life jackets are available for comfort in the water.
Aprende a hacer snorkel entre peces y tortugas
Esta experiencia de fiesta de snorkel se lleva a cabo en un arrecife tropical cerca de un hermoso paraíso de playa con arena suave y palmeras. Esto es lo que puede esperar: 1) Presento a los invitados el equipo y doy instrucciones para la mejor experiencia. 2) Emito equipos desinfectados y de alta calidad, que incluyen máscara, snorkel, aletas y chaleco salvavidas (opcional). 3) Llevo a los invitados a aguas poco profundas donde doy más instrucciones y fomento la práctica según sea necesario 4) Guío a los invitados a ver una variedad de peces de arrecife (espiga azul, pez loro, pez ángel y ¡mucho más!) 5) Proporciono cerveza, sangría, agua y refrigerios de cortesía en un refrigerador flotante que los huéspedes pueden disfrutar después de que terminen de bucear en un ambiente relajado y sin prisas para la experiencia. 6) Terminamos nuestro snorkel alrededor del refrigerador flotante 8) Los huéspedes pueden hacer un buen uso de la ducha cercana para ellos y sus equipos. 9) Transfiero videoclips cortos y retratos a los invitados para disfrutarlos y compartirlos en las redes sociales Otros aspectos destacables ¡Te mojarás, aprenderás cosas nuevas y te divertirás! Y te cuidaré de principio a fin. * ven casual (el maquillaje se lavará) * usa tu traje de baño (trae ropa seca) * traer una toalla y protector solar para arrecifes ** Sí, guardo tus cosas, pero no tengo lugar para el equipaje
Submarinismo para principiantes
El instructor y los invitados usarán coberturas para la cara mientras estén fuera del agua durante la instalación y extracción del equipo. Los artículos personales se almacenarán en contenedores sanitizados cerrados. Se proporcionará spray para manos y / o toallitas. El instructor instalará el equipo mientras los clientes usan máscaras faciales y mantienen la distancia social. Después de una presentación oral y orientación, los invitados se sentarán y se pondrán equipo, caminarán hacia la tranquila zona de entrada a la playa adhiriéndose al distanciamiento social, se pondrán máscara y regulador y practicarán habilidades básicas en aguas poco profundas. Después de esta sesión, realizaremos una inmersión poco profunda y exploraremos e interactuaremos con nuestros amigos de la vida marina en la barrera de coral interior. Pequeños peces tropicales se nos acercarán e incluso pueden nadar con nosotros. Los buzos deben poder caminar con el equipo completo. Las personas se ducharán con agua fresca a su vez después de la actividad. Otros aspectos destacables Envíame la talla, altura y peso de tu zapato. antes del viaje También teléfono #. Traiga una toalla, protector contra erupciones o camiseta y protector solar de al menos SPF 50. No se proporciona transporte. Impuestos locales incluidos.
Un día en un tobogán de agua con todo incluido
El Yunque Rainforest/Waterfalls/Waterslide/Food/Beach & Transport ALL INCLUDED! Tired of being only in San Juan? Don't have time or money for an overnight trip? Feel like you are missing out by not leaving the city or not hitting some incredible local spots? This is for U :) Join us for a short drive from San Juan to El Yunque to enjoy the most incredible Natural waterslide and river just a short hike off a private road that locals know! Down from the natural waterslide is a short hike to a beautiful waterfall and swimming area to enjoy the refreshing water. After a few incredible fun-filled hours we will head to a beach and a place where I will treat you to some authentic finger food. You will get to enjoy water activities, new friends, local food, and knowledge about the area that will serve you for the rest of your trip. What's more, you asked? - Transportation with AC - Real Caribbean Food - Water and Snacks - Local music * IF TOUR SOLD OUT CONTACT US WE HAVE 4 ADDITIONAL SEATS* *HAVE A CAR? DIRECT MESSAGE FOR DISCOUNTS BEFORE BOOKING * Bachelor, Bachelorette, & Birthday parties welcomed *Cruise ship and couples Activity involves hiking on a natural paths to waterslide and swimming areas. Path conditions may very depending on weather. Appropriate footwear for nature recommended for this experience. Ocean conditions may vary. Participate at own risk.
Yoga en la playa, meditación y baño de sonido
Start your day on La Isla Del Encanto with us! In this amazing beach yoga & meditation, you will experience a unique connection with nature while immersing yourself in the tranquil surroundings of the beach. The class incorporates the use of sound bowl healing, which enhances the meditative experience by creating soothing vibrations and harmonious sounds. During the yoga session, you will be guided through a series of invigorating and graceful poses that are specifically designed to promote strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The combination of the rhythmic ocean waves, warm sand beneath your feet, and the gentle sea breeze will create a serene atmosphere, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the practice. Whether a beginner or an experienced yogi, this beach yoga class and meditation will provide a rejuvenating experience that nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Meet other travelers or locals, take an ocean dip and grab brunch. Join us and leave feeling refreshed and revitalized. Private Parties: We are happy to set up this experience for you anywhere on the island, just book a private session. *Please note if there is no spot available for a given day send a message. Follow us on IG at Crystalvidayoga. See our other experiences- Full and New Moon Cacao Ceremonies, Breath and Sound

Las más populares en San Juan

El bosque nacional El Yunque con traslado y gastronomía auténtica
Live a true El Yunque rainforest experience with a local. Excellent for foodies and adventure fans. We visit 2 waterfalls and the famous waterslide. TRANSPORTATION INCLUDED. Adventure to pure rainforest and learn the history of its unique flora & fauna like iguanas, guava trees, bamboos and 300 year old trees. We drive to the East side of El Yunque Rainforest. On arrival we do a 30 minute hike to the first waterfall & watering hole. There you can enjoy the landscape, swim in the water, and scenic waterfall. Further up, after a 15 minute hike (High difficulty level), there is another waterfall with a natural waterslide. We end the trip by stopping for lunch at a local family owned restaurant that serves authentic grandma style food (Food not included in price). The hike for these outdoor wonders requires regular shoes with “good grip” that can get wet and muddy. The trail is very muddy and clothes will get fully wet. NO FLIPS FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED. Safety is my priority and we will have a fun adventure to show you the authentic essence of Puerto Rico & secret gems of the rainforest. Good Physical Condition required. Hike can be challenging for participants that are not active or exercise regularly. Bring water, towels/change of clothes for a full day of fun and beautiful new experiences. Tour start times can change depending on the season.
Snorkel con tortugas - Vídeos GRATIS
Free Videos, Guided Beginner Tour! Don't know how to swim? That's ok, I specialize in taking beginners out! We will meet for check in at Escambron Beach Park (type into maps or Uber). Once you enter Escambron Beach park's main entrance, you will pass the guard shack(if you are driving you will need to pay for Parking) and continue straight down the road to the very end of the parking lot to the left. Once you arrive, you will see a a red Kiosk and snorkeling equipment. Please check in there 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Once checked in, I will go over a safety briefing and information on the sea life we will encounter. The tour will begin in the shallows where we will be trying on equipment and once comfortable we will begin snorkeling around the famous Escambron Marine park. Make sure you keep an eye out for all of the different sea life at our dive site. Because we are viewing sea life in the ocean not an aquarium, we cannot guarantee you will see sea turtles, however, majority of the time we do. Other things to note This tour was designed for any level of diver, from non swimmers to olympic gold medalists. Make sure you wear your swimwear, bring water, sunscreen and a towel. I do have a place to store your bags while on the tour.
Ruta de bares por el Viejo San Juan
WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR TOURING WITH US. Puerto Rico the Rum's Capital of the World . Welcomes You its most unique bar scene in the Old city of San Juan . With a Rich history that runs back 500 years . Offering you a lifetime experience around its scenic streets. Meet our team of Young and talented Hosts and let us take you a specially crafted route around 3 local owned bars . Enjoy and spoil yourself with our tailored 1 hr outdoor Open Bar . greeting shots and one free Mojito upon arrival are included in the package. Enjoy our Live music during the weekends by BOCHE and his local Band . Our experience is perfect for solo travelers , couples , small and large groups . Mingling is half the fun. *the guest count listed here is not always accurate and is often higher than listed . Please send a message if we are sold out for the date you are looking for , and we may be able to accommodate you” Hours are Tailored to fit into most travelers Disclaimer : “if you would like to avoid large crowds and have a more intimate experience the best booking times are between SUN-WED” We continue to serve as a network helping both local businesses along with promoting young talent in the island. ONCE AGAIN Thank you for Doing Business With us
Rema con luces de neón en la laguna
Our award winning LED Night Kayak excursion is unlike anything you've ever done before! Upon check-in, put on your colorful glow paint, aka “War Paint” and snap some great photos! Your guides will then provide a quick “Kayak 101.” (Make sure to listen up, this is key to a FUN and safe adventure). Ready, set, GLOW! Enjoy the LED glow of your kayak as well as the CITY LIGHTS surrounding the entire lagoon. These skyline views are breathtaking! This is truly a great way to see the city from a different perspective and have an absolute blast while doing so. What else? Our kayaks have CLEAR bottoms, like a glass-bottom boat - you may even spot a Seastar near the mangroves! This guided Urban Adventure is a "must do" when visiting San Juan. Don't miss out, paddle out, and "Experience the GLOW!" Notes: - Our 6pm tour is our "Dusk to Dark" tour. It'll be completely dark by 6:15pm. - Time on the water = 45 minutes. Plenty of time on land before and after for photos with glow paint, tiki torches, etc. - Complimentary storage area is available, at your own risk. We are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items. - Kayaks are 2 person kayaks. Maximum weight per kayak is 400lbs. Maximum weight per person is 285lbs.
Clase de salsa en la playa al atardecer en San Juan, Puerto Rico
Salsa by the Sea: Experience the Magic of Sunset Dancing in Puerto Rico. Looking for a unique and unforgettable way to experience the beauty of PR? Look no further than our salsa class on the beach, held at sunset for the ultimate romantic and immersive experience. As the sun sets over the sparkling blue waters of PR, our experienced instructors will guide you through the steps of salsa dancing, one of the most popular and sensual dance styles in the world. You'll learn how to move your body to the rhythm of the music, how to lead or follow your partner, and how to express yourself through the language of dance. This class is open for any level; however, it is tailored toward beginners and is designed to be both fun and challenging. Whether you're looking to impress your partner, improve your dancing skills, or simply enjoy a memorable experience on the beach, our salsa class is the perfect activity for you. But what makes our class truly unique is the setting. Our beach is located on the breathtaking coast of Puerto Rico, offering stunning views of the sunset and the shimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea. You'll be surrounded by the natural beauty of the island, with the gentle ocean breeze and the sound of the waves providing the perfect backdrop for your dancing.

Actividades cerca de las principales atracciones

Plaza Las AméricasRecomendado por 607 habitantes del lugar
La PlacitaRecomendado por 605 habitantes del lugar
Castillo San Felipe del MorroRecomendado por 442 habitantes del lugar
Distrito T-MobileRecomendado por 244 habitantes del lugar
La Plaza del Mercado de SanturceRecomendado por 139 habitantes del lugar
La Concha Renaissance San Juan ResortRecomendado por 125 habitantes del lugar

Todas las actividades cerca de San Juan

El bosque nacional El Yunque con traslado y gastronomía auténtica
Live a true El Yunque rainforest experience with a local. Excellent for foodies and adventure fans. We visit 2 waterfalls and the famous waterslide. TRANSPORTATION INCLUDED. Adventure to pure rainforest and learn the history of its unique flora & fauna like iguanas, guava trees, bamboos and 300 year old trees. We drive to the East side of El Yunque Rainforest. On arrival we do a 30 minute hike to the first waterfall & watering hole. There you can enjoy the landscape, swim in the water, and scenic waterfall. Further up, after a 15 minute hike (High difficulty level), there is another waterfall with a natural waterslide. We end the trip by stopping for lunch at a local family owned restaurant that serves authentic grandma style food (Food not included in price). The hike for these outdoor wonders requires regular shoes with “good grip” that can get wet and muddy. The trail is very muddy and clothes will get fully wet. NO FLIPS FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED. Safety is my priority and we will have a fun adventure to show you the authentic essence of Puerto Rico & secret gems of the rainforest. Good Physical Condition required. Hike can be challenging for participants that are not active or exercise regularly. Bring water, towels/change of clothes for a full day of fun and beautiful new experiences. Tour start times can change depending on the season.
La cascada El Yunque, columpio, tobogán de agua y transporte
¡Únete a una aventura para visitar uno de los lugares más mágicos de las islas, la selva tropical El Yunque! Una vez que llegues, disfruta de una caminata de 20 a 30 minutos hasta el primer agua mineral, el abrevadero. Allí podrás disfrutar del paisaje, nadar en el agua y columpio de cuerda. Más arriba, después de una caminata de 15 minutos, hay otro abrevadero con tobogán en el río. Vive una aventura llena de naturaleza en un lugar único del mundo. Contempla el bambú, los árboles de guayaba, árboles de más de 100 años de antigüedad con variaciones de flora y toboganes ocultos. Esta experiencia se centra en proporcionar una verdadera visión local de El Yunque, con hechos históricos e información sobre el ecosistema durante el viaje. Terminamos el viaje visitando una pequeña empresa local que sirve auténtica comida puertorriqueña estilo abuela a un precio muy bajo disponible para la compra (excepto los domingos visitamos un restaurante ). Doy apoyo a los restaurantes locales, por lo que este es un viaje sostenible que ayuda a la economía local. El transporte está incluido. ¡Disfruta de una verdadera aventura en Puerto Rico! Otros aspectos destacables Tienes que tener una buena condición física. El transporte de cortesía está incluido.
Snorkel con tortugas marinas
***Please be aware this experience is great for beginners and those with little experience swimming, but If you have a deep fear of water or the ocean it may impact your experience - we are dive instructors not psychologists*** We will begin our adventure with an ocean-side safety briefing while everyone is fitted for their equipment. Once we chat about how to responsibly and passively interact with turtles and other sea life, we will walk down to the beach and hit the water! We will take it nice and slow so you have a few moments to get accustomed to your gear and you feel confident enough to enjoy the underwater world. This is a natural sea grass bed, which is why we are blessed with turtles :) Please do remember, however, that this is a completely wild experience and we could never guarantee the sighting of a wild animal. 99 times out of 100 we see several baby and adult turtles per tour! At the end of the tour we will transfer your videos to you while we enjoy conversation with a nice view! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!
Un día en un tobogán de agua con todo incluido
El Yunque Rainforest/Waterfalls/Waterslide/Food/Beach & Transport ALL INCLUDED! Tired of being only in San Juan? Don't have time or money for an overnight trip? Feel like you are missing out by not leaving the city or not hitting some incredible local spots? This is for U :) Join us for a short drive from San Juan to El Yunque to enjoy the most incredible Natural waterslide and river just a short hike off a private road that locals know! Down from the natural waterslide is a short hike to a beautiful waterfall and swimming area to enjoy the refreshing water. After a few incredible fun-filled hours we will head to a beach and a place where I will treat you to some authentic finger food. You will get to enjoy water activities, new friends, local food, and knowledge about the area that will serve you for the rest of your trip. What's more, you asked? - Transportation with AC - Real Caribbean Food - Water and Snacks - Local music * IF TOUR SOLD OUT CONTACT US WE HAVE 4 ADDITIONAL SEATS* *HAVE A CAR? DIRECT MESSAGE FOR DISCOUNTS BEFORE BOOKING * Bachelor, Bachelorette, & Birthday parties welcomed *Cruise ship and couples Activity involves hiking on a natural paths to waterslide and swimming areas. Path conditions may very depending on weather. Appropriate footwear for nature recommended for this experience. Ocean conditions may vary. Participate at own risk.
Rema con luces de neón en la laguna
Our award winning LED Night Kayak excursion is unlike anything you've ever done before! Upon check-in, put on your colorful glow paint, aka “War Paint” and snap some great photos! Your guides will then provide a quick “Kayak 101.” (Make sure to listen up, this is key to a FUN and safe adventure). Ready, set, GLOW! Enjoy the LED glow of your kayak as well as the CITY LIGHTS surrounding the entire lagoon. These skyline views are breathtaking! This is truly a great way to see the city from a different perspective and have an absolute blast while doing so. What else? Our kayaks have CLEAR bottoms, like a glass-bottom boat - you may even spot a Seastar near the mangroves! This guided Urban Adventure is a "must do" when visiting San Juan. Don't miss out, paddle out, and "Experience the GLOW!" Notes: - Our 6pm tour is our "Dusk to Dark" tour. It'll be completely dark by 6:15pm. - Time on the water = 45 minutes. Plenty of time on land before and after for photos with glow paint, tiki torches, etc. - Complimentary storage area is available, at your own risk. We are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items. - Kayaks are 2 person kayaks. Maximum weight per kayak is 400lbs. Maximum weight per person is 285lbs.
Yoga en la playa, meditación y baño de sonido
Start your day on La Isla Del Encanto with us! In this amazing beach yoga & meditation, you will experience a unique connection with nature while immersing yourself in the tranquil surroundings of the beach. The class incorporates the use of sound bowl healing, which enhances the meditative experience by creating soothing vibrations and harmonious sounds. During the yoga session, you will be guided through a series of invigorating and graceful poses that are specifically designed to promote strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The combination of the rhythmic ocean waves, warm sand beneath your feet, and the gentle sea breeze will create a serene atmosphere, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the practice. Whether a beginner or an experienced yogi, this beach yoga class and meditation will provide a rejuvenating experience that nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Meet other travelers or locals, take an ocean dip and grab brunch. Join us and leave feeling refreshed and revitalized. Private Parties: We are happy to set up this experience for you anywhere on the island, just book a private session. *Please note if there is no spot available for a given day send a message. Follow us on IG at Crystalvidayoga. See our other experiences- Full and New Moon Cacao Ceremonies, Breath and Sound
Clase de salsa en la playa al atardecer en San Juan, Puerto Rico
Salsa by the Sea: Experience the Magic of Sunset Dancing in Puerto Rico. Looking for a unique and unforgettable way to experience the beauty of PR? Look no further than our salsa class on the beach, held at sunset for the ultimate romantic and immersive experience. As the sun sets over the sparkling blue waters of PR, our experienced instructors will guide you through the steps of salsa dancing, one of the most popular and sensual dance styles in the world. You'll learn how to move your body to the rhythm of the music, how to lead or follow your partner, and how to express yourself through the language of dance. This class is open for any level; however, it is tailored toward beginners and is designed to be both fun and challenging. Whether you're looking to impress your partner, improve your dancing skills, or simply enjoy a memorable experience on the beach, our salsa class is the perfect activity for you. But what makes our class truly unique is the setting. Our beach is located on the breathtaking coast of Puerto Rico, offering stunning views of the sunset and the shimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea. You'll be surrounded by the natural beauty of the island, with the gentle ocean breeze and the sound of the waves providing the perfect backdrop for your dancing.
Ruta de bares por el Viejo San Juan
WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR TOURING WITH US. Puerto Rico the Rum's Capital of the World . Welcomes You its most unique bar scene in the Old city of San Juan . With a Rich history that runs back 500 years . Offering you a lifetime experience around its scenic streets. Meet our team of Young and talented Hosts and let us take you a specially crafted route around 3 local owned bars . Enjoy and spoil yourself with our tailored 1 hr outdoor Open Bar . greeting shots and one free Mojito upon arrival are included in the package. Enjoy our Live music during the weekends by BOCHE and his local Band . Our experience is perfect for solo travelers , couples , small and large groups . Mingling is half the fun. *the guest count listed here is not always accurate and is often higher than listed . Please send a message if we are sold out for the date you are looking for , and we may be able to accommodate you” Hours are Tailored to fit into most travelers Disclaimer : “if you would like to avoid large crowds and have a more intimate experience the best booking times are between SUN-WED” We continue to serve as a network helping both local businesses along with promoting young talent in the island. ONCE AGAIN Thank you for Doing Business With us
Aventura en El Yunque, tobogán acuático y transporte
Embark on a thrilling odyssey into the enchanting El Yunque Rainforest! Dive into the heart of nature with a 30-minute expedition to a pristine mineral water oasis, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, perfect for swimming and an exhilarating rope swing experience. Continue your adventure with a 15-minute hike to another hidden watering hole, complete with an invigorating river slide. Traverse through bamboo forests, guava trees, and century-old flora, uncovering secret waterslides along the way. This escapade provides an authentic local perspective on El Yunque, intertwining historical insights and ecological wonders. Conclude your journey by supporting a local small business, indulging in wallet-friendly, grandma-style Puerto Rican cuisine. This sustainable adventure, inclusive of transportation, ensures an unforgettable and eco-conscious exploration of both nature and culture. Enjoy a real Puerto Rico Adventure! Other things to note Optimal physical fitness is a prerequisite, and complimentary transportation is provided from the designated meeting point. Tours scheduled after the 10:30 am booking time will not include meal breaks.(food is not part of the experience)
Transport to El Yunque Rainforest Waterslide, Waterfalls
Transportation, photos & videos are included in this experience. Enjoy going to this amazing tour of The East side of El Yunque National Forest. You'll learn about the history of the rainforest and Puerto Rico. You will have a blast with us going in natural waterslides, jumping from different cliffs, doing the rope swing and taking pictures in the waterfall and also videos doing everything. (If you want to do all this again, we give you the opportunity because we make a difference.) Walking trough the trails it’s about 15-20 minutes and for go to the natural water slides and waterfalls it’s about 5 minutes from the river You will enjoy swimming in the river and having a time after the tour finish in the bottom. You need to wear sneakers or water shoes for this experience. Go ready to get muddy if it rain We finished this experience by going to eat local food like we Puerto Ricans eat. *** If you don’t know how to swim you can still do it this experience, we will take care of you.***
Bosque nacional El Yunque: comida, fotos y transporte incluidos
Fotos, Food, Fun, and more ! Come join us for a One of a kind experience in the beautiful El Yunque Rainforest ! One of our experienced 5 star guides will take you into the El Yunque rainforest and guide you through swimming holes and natural waterslides! First experience the best natural waterslide in all of Puerto Rico ! Get all the Epic adventure photos and videos as you slide down into the refreshing pool below ! Get tons of beautiful photos in this breathtaking landscape ! Next take a short hike to a beautiful naturally formed rock pool. Play in the refreshing spring water, Explore down into the waterfall where your guide will assist you in getting some amazing photos ! Let the waterfall give you a nice relaxing back massage ! After a couple of hours in the beautiful and peaceful Rainforest take a short drive to a local beach to experience local food and culture, as well as a crystal clear beautiful beach with calm waters. Dont forget to bring your snorkel gear to explore the waters and reefs ! *TRANSPORTATION INCLUDED from Condado/ Isla Verde and returning If you are located in Rio Grande/Luquillo/Fajardo reach out to us * ** Perfect for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Corporate retreats, bachelor and bachelorette parties or any other excuse to celebrate.
Surf de remo con manatíes
This experience, and its scenic views, are truly one of a kind. We will prepare you for your paddleboarding adventure by giving you a basics class and a brief overview of the Condado Lagoon. Then you'll paddle off, hopefully seeing manatees, sea turtles, or even sting rays—while enjoying a unique view of San Juan. Other things to note: We recommend that you don't take anything into the water that you don't want to lose (jewelry etc...) We have an indoor facility to leave your things. This experience is non-guided. **Maximum weight of: 220lb**
Snorkel con tortugas - Vídeos GRATIS
Free Videos, Guided Beginner Tour! Don't know how to swim? That's ok, I specialize in taking beginners out! We will meet for check in at Escambron Beach Park (type into maps or Uber). Once you enter Escambron Beach park's main entrance, you will pass the guard shack(if you are driving you will need to pay for Parking) and continue straight down the road to the very end of the parking lot to the left. Once you arrive, you will see a a red Kiosk and snorkeling equipment. Please check in there 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Once checked in, I will go over a safety briefing and information on the sea life we will encounter. The tour will begin in the shallows where we will be trying on equipment and once comfortable we will begin snorkeling around the famous Escambron Marine park. Make sure you keep an eye out for all of the different sea life at our dive site. Because we are viewing sea life in the ocean not an aquarium, we cannot guarantee you will see sea turtles, however, majority of the time we do. Other things to note This tour was designed for any level of diver, from non swimmers to olympic gold medalists. Make sure you wear your swimwear, bring water, sunscreen and a towel. I do have a place to store your bags while on the tour.
Ruta hacia una cascada-tobogán y bebidas en la selva tropical
My guest will have an amazing adventure. We go on a short hike to a waterfall slide. There is so much nature, mini waterfalls, the river is gorgeous. There is a beautiful lagoon with a rope swing, smaller waterfall & slide to enjoy, jump off a rock, go thru a rock hole into the river. We will hike down the river enjoying everything this beautiful area has to offer. There are Star fruit trees, banana plantain trees, avocado tree, coconut trees as well. The views are breathtaking. After the rainforest I take guests to Luquillo beach the water is very calm & blue. Guests can also rent a jet ski, kayak, snorkel, it is the second best rated authentic food area, 60 different mom & pop kiosks. This is an adventure you don’t want to miss out on while on vacation in Puerto Rico. I also provide free adult Capri suns, water included in the tour. *Transportation is provided* read the listing for location. I also have a new Jeep wrangler 4 door that I rent out as well. I also do hidden gems tours Message for details.
San Juan Clear kayak Drone Photoshoot
(Photo shoot is not 60 minutes per person)Enjoy an amazing photo shoot in a clear kayak from a birds eye view. Singles or couples will have a personalized Drone photo shoot (Couples being placed in the same kayak is dependent upon host discretion of weight limitations). Pricing is per person! There is no pricing category that will change the cost per person. Booking a private shoot will still cost $199 per person but will secure your group size can get their shoots done without other groups being shot between your groups shots. Size of groups are at the hosts discretion so ask before you book a group so we can be prepared. Receive epic social media worthy content to highlight your vacation memories. Photo turn around time is usually same day unedited. Edited photos are available upon request but will incur a separate cost.will help you into and out of the kayak and give you ideas for poses and direction to help optimize your photos. No more than two people will be allowed in the kayak at one time so groups will always be broken into teams of two if couples are in the group. You are not guaranteed a specific amount of time in the kayak. Pictures may take less time or more time…we don’t control the weather so flexibility is important for photography. Videos are available but not included in price. Ask us how to get them free of cost.
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  3. San Juan Region
  4. San Juan